Ohhhh hey
So I would have to say that some major updates are in order right about now. Sitting in my awesome new apartment on Haight wearing way-too-small Abercrombie kids' boxers from like eighth grade. There are mooses (moose? meese?) on them....
[Moose Boxers]
And when I say 'my' apartment I may or may not mean my dad's. Aaand when I say 'new' I mean he's lived here for probably a good year now. And in my world, Clayton may as well equal Haight street. But other than that, I am being entirely truthful. God so glad no one can see me right now, wearing such moose boxers. Anyway, my latest job-hunting endeavors have been somewhat thwarted by the sheer awesomeness of my Macbook [PRO...the 'pro' makes all the difference, trust me], and its ability to store THOUSANDS of pictures and songs (80% of which I never listen to and exist purely for show...I'm just saying..) without it affecting my ability to access Microsoft Word and magically be productive! It is glorious. So my latest and most fulfilling time-wasting strategy has assumed the form of obsessive photo-uploading. And tagging. Yes, tagging- Ok I'm just gonna put it out there since I've already raised the issue- I absolutely love the 'Faces' feature on the new version of iPhoto. Make that, addicted....
FACES (the antithesis of productivity)
The option is wholly unnecessary and exists solely for picture-whores like me with OCD-like tendencies, however I am not ashamed to admit that I am an avid fan and it is one of the most thoroughly fantastic ways to actively suppress the woes of unemployment and retreat back to the glory days of college. Ahh, the ignorance is bliss mentality. I mean I created that, don't know if you already knew. Except with me, it's more like, contrived ignorance. If that makes any sense. It should also be noted that today's picture (soon to follow) is an enlightening relic from freshman year, and a testament to the artistic graffiti skills of Swig, obviously discovered through the unnecessary uploading and organizing of all-pictures-ever-taken-by-Hannah onto my awesome comp. Just so you know. Please take a moment to observe..
So, after a thorough pillaging of the bottomless well of dead-end, crappy opportunities that is Craigslist, and after forwarding myself an array of said shitty opportunities, I reward my false sense of proactivity with a little iPhoto dabbling. Aaaand when I say little, I mean a lot. I love pictures, what can I say. And organizing them. And looking at them. And organizing them some more. That should be a profession in its own right. Honestly. But just like any addiction, I most often emerge from my crazed-photo-tagging-slash-organizing tangents feeling sad. And bitter. Because I am angry with Back To The Future for instilling a false hope in my childhood self of the early '90's that we would have awesome DeLorean time machines in this day and age. Which I could use now to just repeat college over and over an obscene number of times. [please- no Asher Roth allusions here] See with me, these kinds of things don't get old. Like a baby with car keys. Or jewelry. And now I am suffering the consequences of believing crazy Christopher Lloyd. Thissss is my life...
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